

Be a part of KACPAW’s life-saving work! Please donate. Thank you!!


What you can support

♥ Support our dog sterilizations. This is just one of the hundreds of clinics we do:

♥ Support our Kindness Sessions in which we treat on location hundreds of mostly community dogs for mange and minor wounds etc. See Part 1 of our latest Kindness Session at:

♥ Support our Rescues and Treatment of sick street dogs and In-house Sterilizations of Street Dogs: See some samples at:


How you can donate


1. Direct deposits from any bank to KACPAW’s current account (Cash/Cheque deposits if within Sri Lanka & Wire transfers from outside Sri Lanka)

Account name: KACPAW
Account number: 1274224
Bank Name: Bank of Ceylon
Branch Name: Peradeniya, Sri Lanka


2. By cheque in favour of KACPAW by post

Mail to:

Ms. P.T. Jayatilleke
Treasurer – KACPAW
No.532/10A, Siebel Place, Kandy
Sri Lanka


Note: Please send your name, address and email mentioning the cause for the donation in order to send a receipt.


3. Donations via Western Union

Collecting person’s name:  Ms. Champa Fernando
Collecting location           :  Kandy, Sri Lanka


Note: Please email the Donor’s name and address with amount donated and the MTCN number to


4. Donations via PayPal

Please send your donations to

Note: All PayPal donations will be individually acknowledged.


KACPAW’s Unique Sponsorship Scheme


We designed our sponsorship scheme to accommodate the 35 odd dogs that were left over at the time of our shelter’s closure back in May 2010. We had to find a way of caring for them for the rest of their lives and that is when we came up with our scheme. Those shelter residue dogs we call the stipend dogs. See these dogs as at about one year ago from the following link:

Since we can care for about 20 dogs under this scheme, what we now do is to find a forever home for a limited number of community dogs whom we rescue and who for some reason cannot go back to their place of origin once they are cured.

We do not place more than 2 dogs in any home and also make sure to keep the overall sponsored numbers around 20, lest it becomes a de-facto shelter running for us and unmanageable! Monthly visits are undertaken to ensure that the dog is well and to pay the stipend to the carer.

We also keep the dog numbers at 20 odd as we do not want to give any wrong signals to potential carers who may simply want to make this into a money-making industry rather than a care system for dogs!